Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Fear of GERMS - George Carlin
George Carlin (May 12, 1937 – June 22, 2008) was an American stand-up comedian, actor, philosopher, author, and social critic. He was known for his black comedy and reflections on politics, the English language, psychology, religion, and various taboo subjects. Widely regarded as one of the most important and influential American stand-up comics of all time. This audio clip comes from his George Carlin's audiobook, "Napalm & Sillyputty", which was published in 2002.
Don't Fear The Fever! Fever Reduction During Infections Leads to Higher Death Rates!
Even the latest research shows that most medical doctors were not educated on the benefits of fever and believed, wrongly, that fevers were harmful. Their ill advice can actually be deadly, so I pray more people will learn the truth about fevers to make informed decisions themselves and their families!
CBS NEWS Responds After Getting Caught Spreading Fake CV News!!
Monday, March 30, 2020
Nobel Prize Winner Kary Mullis Challenges The Myths About AIDS - Narrated by Gary Null Ph.D.
LISTEN CLOSELY! California microbiologist Kary Mullis, Ph.D. on whether or not HIV is the probable cause of AIDS. He was the scientist that created the PCR technique, a brilliant method, unfortunately, all too often used to mislead the public. Created and narrated by Gary Null, Ph.D. Here are two great minds in 1 video. EAR CANDY FOR THE AWAKENED. There is NO evidence that HIV causes AIDS. NONE. Firstly, HIV as a pathogenic retrovirus doesn't exist...no viruses or retroviruses cause disease. PERIOD. These micro-organisms are involved with CLEANING the body and REMOVING WASTES. It's time we stop being manipulated by a LONG LIE, just because egos are committed to it, that is not enough rationale to fake science. "The way to cure aids is to stop funding it." The scientists that you think are so smart, running the test, writing papers, ARE IDIOTS. Sorry, but what you think is some sort of hallmark of knowledge is GARBAGE. The FDA, WHO, and CDC are SCAM organizations and should be shut down and many of them put in prison. Currently, the head of the WHO is a literal Ethiopean terrorist! Kari Mullis died last year at the age of 74...if only he knew about the falsity of the germ theory and how to treat the body naturally, he would have still been with us.
Watch House of Numbers
MD Explains how Viruses do not spread from person to person:
Read Virus Mania
Here is the truth about the PCR technique:
Ontario business owner says COVID-19 pandemic is a hoax
BCN's Hal Roberts spoke with Amandha Vollmer with the Yummy Mummy Emporium in Minden Ontario about why she thinks the COVID-19 pandemic is overblown.
Related https://shore-215.blogspot.com/2020/03/ontario-woman-amandha-vollmer-on-global.html
Yeah Let’s Talk About Why The Hospitals Are Empty #EMPTYHOSPITALS #FILMYOURHOSPITAL
Conclusions: In the close contacts of COVID-19 patients, nearly half or even more of the 'asymptomatic infected individuals' reported in the active nucleic acid test screening might be false positives.
12 Experts questioning the corona virus panic
Johns Hopkins study suggests medical errors are third-leading cause of death in U.S
Evidence Over Hysteria
NO DEFINITIVE TESTS!!According to CDC, they developed an rRT-PCR test to diagnose COVID-19. rRT-PCR can work, but can also give false negatives or positives based on RNA quality or quantity, on reverse transcriptase (RT) reaction (copying RNA to DNA,) on DNA quality or quantity, on DNA sequence chosen to amplify, or on primer sequences used to amplify.
35 Sources showing the COVID19 / corona virus is over hyped, and likely fraud.
Italian Government Study: 99% of their Coronavirus Fatalities Were Already Sick; Half Diagnosed with 3 or More Diseases
Absolute proof the media is scripted
Social Distancing is Social Engineering
There is No Corona-Pandemic (Germany)
The inconvenient facts about the "coronavirus pandemic"
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Vitamins vs. Vaccines - Destroying
CBS News Caught Using Footage from an Italian Hospital to Describe Conditions in NYC
VibeChecking Local Hospitals for Coronavirus Crisis
I went around hospitals in the Phoenix area to see if they were overflowing with patients. Clearly, they aren’t.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Riot erupts in China as people try to leave coronavirus-stricken Hubei Province
Tornado caught on camera tearing through Arkansas city
A tornado ripped through the city of Jonesboro, Ark. on Saturday afternoon, leaving at least six people injured
Saturday, March 28, 2020
First known cat infected with coronavirus reported in Belgium
A pet cat in Belgium has become the first known feline to suffer from COVID-19.
Officials in the city of Liege said on Friday that they believe that the cat’s owner spread the illness to the pet. The feline was tested after it began showing tell-tale symptoms of the flu-like illness, including difficulty breathing.
“The cat had diarrhea, kept vomiting, and had breathing difficulties. The researchers found the virus in the cat’s feces,” said professor Steven Van Gucht. It is not clear how the cat or the owner are doing. The professor also highlighted that transmission of the disease from an animal to a human is very unlikely.
“We want to stress that this is an isolated case,” he said. “The risk of animal-to-human transmission is very small.”
The cat isn’t the first pet to contract the coronavirus. A dog in Hong Kong was quarantined last month after it tested positive for “low levels” of the virus. The dog was owned by a woman who also had the illness. The 17-year-old Pomeranian died shortly after returning home from its quarantine.
Coronavirus Update: Belgian Woman Infects Pet Cat with COVID-19; Should We Isolate Our Pets Too?
Woman infects cat with coronavirus in third known human-to-animal transmission
Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2020/03/27/woman-infects-cat-coronavirus-third-known-human-animal-transmission-12468760/?ito=cbshare
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MetroUK | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MetroUK/
Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2020/03/27/woman-infects-cat-coronavirus-third-known-human-animal-transmission-12468760/?ito=cbshare
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MetroUK | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MetroUK/
Ontario woman Amandha Vollmer on Global News-plandemic, fake viruses, vaccines, 5G, UN agenda 2030
This is the raw footage mirrored from her channel: @Yummy Mummy Emporium & Apothecary Sending her much love and protection at this crucial time. We need more people like Amandha.
Friday, March 27, 2020
Dr. Anthony Fauci, member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, stating in January 2017 there WILL be a "surprise outbreak" the coming administration will face.
Org Vid:
Fauci Ignores WHO Boss Crimes Against Humanity
I bet people would be shocked to know that the current head of the World Health Organization was involved in multiple unprosecuted potential crimes against humanity. Corona Task Force Boss Dr. Fauci loves it though. Or maybe the mainstream media has failed so badly he doesn't even know. Too many villains to count.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Toronto River turns BLOOD RED March 24th Etobicoke creek???
Approximately 400L of red ink was spilled into the Etobicoke Creek. The Ministry of the Environment and Conservation and Parks are on site and clean up is underway.https://twitter.com/PeelPublicWorks/
NYC Medical Examiner NOT at Capacity but Confirms Construction of Supplemental Morgue Facility
What We Can Learn From A Pandemic “Tabletop Exercise”?
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The Event 201 tabletop exercise shows us the kind of thinking going
on as this crisis unfolds. It begs the question whether there can be
any “benefit” from such a catastrophe. According to the August 2019 Gallup poll , before the crisis, the healthcare industry, the federal government, and the pharmaceutical industry were at the very bottom of the public’s esteem. Negative perceptions ranged from minus 48% for healthcare, minus 52% for the federal government, to a stark minus 58% for pharma. The only other sector in negative territory was the advertising and public relations industry, also represented at the Event 201 table. Full Article Here |
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
RCMP arrests seven people for online cannabis sales
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The investigation into the business led to a series of homes being searched on March 12, in Hants, Kings and Halifax Regional Municipality. As a result, police seized a considerable amount of cannabis products and offence-related property. Additionally, police seized in excess of $20,000 cash.
In total, seven men were arrested at the search sites. Six of them were released from police custody on conditions and are scheduled to appear in Kentville Provincial Court on July 27. One was released without charges. The six men, ranging in age from 22 to 33 years of age, from Hants County and the Halifax Region, are facing the following charges:
Possession of Cannabis for the Purpose of Distribution;
Possession of Cannabis for the Purpose of Selling;
Possession of Property Obtained by Crime over $5000;
Money Laundering.
The investigation is continuing at this time and additional charges are anticipated. The investigation was led by the Windsor District Street Crime Enforcement Unit (SCEU) and conducted in collaboration with the SCEU teams in Kings (Kings District RCMP and Kentville Police Service), Annapolis (Annapolis District RCMP) and the Halifax Region (Halifax District RCMP). Investigators from the Criminal Intelligence Service of Nova Scotia also assisted throughout this investigation, and the RCMP Digital Forensic Services and Special Tactical Operations Unit provided assistance to investigators during the searches.
Ghost Town NYC – Pop Up Morgue at Bellevue Hospital on New York City's East Side?
The New York Post is reporting that "Members of the military seem to be setting up a temporary morgue". This story is catching fire and spreading around the world
Don't Get the CV Swab TEST !!!~ Most Likely Contains the CRSPR Virus Itself!
Do Read What Dr Fauci Stated On January 11th 2017. WOW, He's Psychic /0ctoberReignz/status/1242
Do Read What Dr Fauci Stated On January 11th 2017. WOW, He's Psychic /0ctoberReignz/status/1242
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
The Big CV: Do You Believe In Science?
Swine flu Fraud 1976
60 Million Pound Payout over Swine Flu Vaccine
Sharyl Attkisson: The Coronavirus Death Rate is Dropping
The Cutter Incident How America's First Polio Vaccine Led to a Growing Vaccine Crisis
Conclusions: In the close contacts of COVID-19 patients, nearly half or even more of the 'asymptomatic infected individuals' reported in the active nucleic acid test screening might be false positives.
Guy articulate why tests are bogus brilliantly
Related https://shore-215.blogspot.com/2020/03/dont-get-cv-swab-test-most-likely.html
Monday, March 23, 2020
Hollywood Convicted $ex Offender Harvey Weinstein Tests Positive
Florida City Official Calls Out Mayor for COVID-19 Response
An outraged city official called out the mayor for trying to cut off people’s power during a pandemic.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Crimson Contagion, Trump simulation 2019, right before Event 201, China respiratory virus
Crimson Contagion Exercise
Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Highlights Reel
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/coronavirusDay 1: Cocopah Participates in Crimson Contagion EXERCISE
Friday, March 20, 2020
Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California and three of her Senate colleagues reported selling off stocks worth millions of dollars in the days before the coronavirus outbreak crashed the market,
Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California and three of her Senate colleagues reported selling off stocks worth millions of dollars in the days before the coronavirus outbreak crashed the market, according to reports.
The data is listed on a U.S. Senate website containing financial disclosures from Senate members.
Feinstein, who serves as ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and her husband sold between $1.5 million and $6 million in stock in California biotech company Allogene Therapeutics, between Jan. 31 and Feb. 18, The New York Times reported. https://www.npr.org/2020/03/19/818192535/burr-recording
Yellowknife sentencing hearing delayed for Ice Road Truckers star convicted of arson
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A sentencing hearing in Yellowknife for a star from the reality TV series Ice Road Truckers has been delayed.
Arthur Burke, 65, pleaded guilty last month to the rare charge of arson by negligence for accidentally causing an explosion at a downtown Yellowknife apartment in November of 2018. CKLB initially chose not to use his name but because of the notoriety the case has received, we are now naming him. Burke admitted he caused the explosion at a North Slave Housing Corporation building on 54 St. when he tried to add butane to legally bought marijuana in an effort to make shatter – a hashish-like substance. The butane exploded blowing the door right off the bathroom where Burke was trying to make the shatter. He was badly burned and had to spend 12 days being treated at Stanton Hospital. The explosion caused about $70 thousand damage to the apartment building and forced the relocation of several tenants to a Yellowknife hotel while repairs were made. The incident was never reported to the public by RCMP Burke’s lawyer recommended house arrest last month but because Burke was living in his tractor trailer cab at that time, the judge refused to sentence him to house arrest. He was staying in his big rig at a Kam Lake compound last month while he was delivering loads on the ice road to the diamond mines. His lawyer told the judge Wednesday that Burke has now moved back to his home in Prince Edward Island. His sentencing hearing was to have begun on March 27 but has been postponed. Now, the Crown prosecutor, the defence and the judge will get together on July 7 to decide whether Burke can appear by phone or video for his sentencing. Although coronavirus was not mentioned specifically, it was inferred that it would be best if Burke did not fly back to Yellowknife for the sentencing. A sentencing date is expected to be set on July 7. Source |
Cole Harbour teacher, 48, charged with sex crimes
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RCMP have charged a 48-year-old Cole Harbour, N.S., man with
sexual assault and sexual exploitation, and say there may be additional
victims. The man, who was not named in a Wednesday news release, was arrested yesterday. The charges against him are in relation to a 15-year-old girl. "Investigators feel that due to the nature of the accused's position in the community, there may be additional victims," the release read. "Anyone who feels they could be a victim, or has concerns about someone else who could be a victim, is encouraged to contact police" at 902-490-5020. In an email, Halifax Regional Centre for Education (HRCE) spokesperson Doug Hadley confirmed the accused is a teacher. 'Charges are deeply troubling'"These charges are deeply troubling and the HRCE is taking the matter very seriously," he wrote.Hadley said HRCE was not providing further details to protect the complainant's identity. The investigation into the accused began on March 6 when police say a friend of the complainant was concerned and went to an adult for help. Hadley said the teacher was placed on leave that same day. The accused has been released from custody on conditions to have no contact with the victim. He is scheduled to appear in Dartmouth provincial court on June 9 https://www.thechronicleherald.ca/news/local/cole-harbour .https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/cole-harbour-teacher-48-charged- https://globalnews.ca/news/6696801/cole-harbour-man-charged-with-sexual-assault-exploitation/ |
FDA testing coronavirus treatments, including chloroquine, plasma from recovered COVID-19 patients
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Del Bigtree On Coronavirus And The Coming MANDATORY Vaccination Program!
New “Emergency Measures” Will Come From The QUARANTINE ACT!! This Is NOT Looking Good For Canada!!!
Related https://shore-215.blogspot.com/2020/03/canada-could-invoke-martial-law.html
Denmark Passes Law Enabling Forced Coronavirus Vaccinations
The emergency law gives authorities sweeping powers to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic and will remain in force until March 2021.
Citizens who refuse to be tested for the
coronavirus will face fines and potential prison time, and will be
prevented from entering shops, grocery stores, public institutions and
hospitals while also being restricted from using public transport.
“As well as enforcing quarantine measures, the law
also allows the authorities to force people to be vaccinated, even
though there is currently no vaccination for the virus,” reports the Local.
Copenhagen University law professor Jens Elo Rytter
said the new measures were “certainly the most extreme since the Second
World War.”
The initial draft of the law was even more
draconian, and would have allowed police to enter private homes without a
warrant if there was a suspicion of a coronavirus infection.
However, this measure was dropped after opposition from other parties in the Parliament.
Denmark currently has 875 recorded coronavirus cases and has registered 2 deaths.
Related https://shore-215.blogspot.com/2020/03/denmark-passes-law-enabling-forced.html
Related https://shore-215.blogspot.com/2020/03/denmark-passes-law-enabling-forced.html
WOW MUST SEEE!!! Tom Hanks Says "America is Closed"
Mr Aluminium - Prof Christopher Exley,
An interview on the topic of one of the best known metals, aluminium, with the man who knows it better than anyone - Professor Christopher Exley
Coronavirus: US funerals move to live-streaming
as US. crisis escalates the US’s health protection agency has urged mourners to change drastically the way they say goodbye to loved ones - by live-streaming their funerals. In a webinar with the National Funeral Directors Association and funeral homes across the US,
5.7-magnitude earthquake strikes near Salt Lake City
WestJet warning recent passengers of possible exposure to COVID-19
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The Calgary-based company made the announcement on its website and social media Tuesday, listing the flights and affected rows.
It says passengers in affected rows are considered close contacts to those infected and could be at risk of exposure.
The airline says that public health officials are recommending people who sat in those rows to self-isolate for 14 days after arrival and monitor symptoms.
WestJet says people who were on the listed flights but not in affected rows are advised to self-monitor for signs of cough, fever or respiratory issues and to call their local health authorities if symptoms arise within the next 14 days.
The company says a total of 14 flights between Feb. 28 and March 12 had CALGARY — WestJet Airlines says some of its passengers may have been exposed to people infected with the novel coronavirus on recent flights.
The Calgary-based company made the announcement on its website and social media Tuesday, listing the flights and affected rows.
It says passengers in affected rows are considered close contacts to those infected and could be at risk of exposure.
The airline says that public health officials are recommending people who sat in those rows to self-isolate for 14 days after arrival and monitor symptoms.
WestJet says people who were on the listed flights but not in affected rows are advised to self-monitor for signs of cough, fever or respiratory issues and to call their local health authorities if symptoms arise within the next 14 days.
The company says a total of 14 flights between Feb. 28 and March 12 had passengers on board who tested positive for COVID-19.This report by The Canadian Press was first published March 17, 2020
Facebook bug wrongly deleted authentic coronavirus news
Facebook said a bug in its anti-spam system temporarily blocked the publication of links to news stories about the coronavirus. Guy Rosen, Facebook's vice-president of integrity, said on Twitter Tuesday that the company was working on a fix for the problem.
Users complained that links to news stories about school closings and other information related to the virus outbreak were blocked by the company's automated system.
Later on Tuesday, Rosen tweeted that Facebook had restored all the incorrectly deleted posts, which also covered topics beyond the coronavirus.
Rosen said the problems were unrelated to any changes in Facebook's content-moderator workforce. The company reportedly sent its human moderators home this week because of the coronavirus outbreak.
A representative for Facebook did not immediately respond to questions on the status of Facebook's content moderators, many of whom do not work directly for the company and are not always able to work from home
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
First Person Injected With Trial Coronavirus Vaccine In Seattle
The History & Lie of Viruses and Bacteria from virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka - German with Subtitles
The history of viruses and bacteria from a virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka. Stefan Thomas Josef Lanka (born September 27, 1963, Langenargen, Lake Constance) is a German biologist. He studied biology at the University of Konstanz, where he submitted his diploma thesis in 1989 on virus infestations in marine brown algae. In 1994 he was awarded a doctorate in the same position with a thesis on molecular biological studies of the virus infection in Ectocarpus siliculosus (Phaeophyceae). rer. nat. doctorate.For almost one year we have been asking authorities, politicians and medical institutes for the scientific evidence for the existence of such viruses that are said to cause disease and therefore require “immunization”. After almost one year we have not received even one concrete answer which provides evidence for the existence of those “vaccine-preventable viruses”. The conclusion is inevitable that our children are still vaccinated on the basis of scientific standards of the 18th and 19th century. In the 19th century Robert Koch demanded in his generally accepted postulates evidence of the virus in order to prove infection; at Koch´s time this evidence couldn´t be achieved directly by visualization and characterization of the viruses, because adequate technology wasn´t available at that time. Methods of modern medicine have profoundly changed over the past 60 years, in particular by the invention of the electron microscope, yet all these viruses we get immunised against have still never been re-examined using this technology? We showed to Dr. Lanka a number of images and explanations we were pointed to and that were said to show – respectively describe (characterise) viruses. Here are his summarising comments: “All these photos have in common that they, respectively the authors, can´t claim that they represent a virus, as long as they do not also provide the original publications which describe how and what from the virus has been isolated. Such original publications are cited nowhere. Indeed, in the entire scientific medical literature there´s not even one publication, where the fulfillment of Koch´s first postulate is even claimed for such viruses. This means that there is no proof that the viruses held responsible for these diseases have been isolated from humans afflicted by them. Nevertheless, this is precisely what they publicly claim.
Biologist Proves Measles Isn’t A Virus, Wins Supreme Court Case Against Doct
Dr Stefan Lanka Debunks Pictures of “Isolated Viruses”
5G AirGig: What is It and Should You Be Worried?
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AirGig is a new technology developed by AT&T to transfer Wi-Fi and wireless data over power lines using 4G LTE and 5G millimeter waves. To date, AT&T has submitted over 500 patents and applications related to the AirGig technology, which turns existing power lines into transmitters. According to AT&T’s glowing press releases, AirGig could even replace cell towers:The AirGig technology aims to provide “ultra-fast” broadband Wi-Fi anywhere there are power lines, offering “last-mile wireless connectivity” without the need for deployment of any new fiber-to-the-home. As “last-mile” suggests, AT&T is framing its AirGig technology as a solution for extending wireless access to virtually everyone on the planet. | ||
Read Full Article Here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7B-ydWCNyM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ApPDP_DbGc |
Tennessee Legislator introduces resolution condemning CNN Washington Post as 'Fake News'
Kevin Durant among four Brooklyn Nets players who tested positive for COVID-19 virus
Update on COVID-19 in Nova Scotia: March 17
Video Starts Here
Social media influencer Ava Louise's Coronavirus challenge backlash
Rare Dead Sea Scrolls collection at Museum of Bible is fake, experts conclude
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The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947 stunned archaeologists
and transformed religious studies. The scrolls became some of the most
highly sought items for museums. Too highly sought, as it turns out,
with the discovery that all the scrolls held by the Museum of The Bible
in Washington DC are forgeries made to resemble the actual scrolls, most
of which are held in the Shrine of the Book in Israel. The Museum opened in 2017, with 16 fragments claimed to have been found in the Qumran caves close to the Dead Sea as prime attractions. From the very start, there were question marks over their authenticity. The following year, the Museum reluctantly admitted five of the fragments were forged and removed them from display, but still had faith in the other 11, even though experts were already deeply suspicious of two of these. Now, however, they have been forced to admit they’ve been hoodwinked about the whole lot. “The Museum of the Bible is trying to be as transparent as possible,” CEO Harry Hargrave told National Geographic. “We’re victims – we’re victims of misrepresentation, we’re victims of fraud.” The Museum was established by Hobby Lobby founder Steve Green, who has poured a considerable portion of the wealth he obtained from craft stores into buying Middle Eastern antiquities. Read More |
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