Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Monday, September 28, 2020
Ex-Child Protection Services employee charged with sex crimes against children
TISHOMINGO COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – A former Mississippi Department of Child Protection Services employee is accused of child sex crimes.
26-year-old Lauren Cavness was indicted on two counts of sexual battery, child exploitation, and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
In the indictment, prosecutors allege Cavness had sex with two juveniles under her care.
She’s accused of having a child engaging in sexually explicit behavior on her cell phone.
Prosecutors are also accusing Cavness harboring a runaway child, at least twice.
Cavness is out of jail on a 70 thousand dollar bond.
The CPS Special Investigation Unit, the Mississippi Attorney General’s Office, and the Tishomingo County Sheriff’s Office investigated the case.
Sunday, September 27, 2020
The New Normal Psychotic Super State Continues | It's Almost Time for Revolution
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Friday, September 25, 2020
A new open letter with nearly 13,000 signatories, including doctors and medically-trained professionals in Belgium, is gaining major traction. Using science-based data showing the previous lockdown was unjustified, the letter refutes further attempts to reapply the same measures.
Around the world thousands of doctors are speaking out against their Government | Randy Hillier
September 23rd, 2020 - Around the world, thousands of doctors are
speaking out against their government's overreaction to COVID and the
harmful, negative effects of this heavy handed response.
Yet here in Canada, except for a few, our doctors have been comparably silent.
spoken to many doctors who agree that the current measures are not only
unnecessary, but are more of a detriment to our health than any
benefit, however they are unable to speak out for fear of professional
retribution at the hands of their professional college, the health
bureaucracy or their public employer.
In a society that values truth
over conformity everyone must be free to speak their conscience without
fear of reprisal and without coercion.
Let's encourage our Canadian Doctors to be lions speaking truth to power, not silent lambs.
And let's all speak up and speak truth to power and spread the message.
You can read the referenced letters on my website here:
Remember to contact the Premier, your local MPP, and Health Unit. Let them know it is time that we return to normal.
Premier: or or 416-325-1941
Find Your MPP:
Find Your Local Health Unit:
Pharma Companies Care!
Pro-Vaxxers say they believe "Anyone who runs a Pharmaceutical Company cares deeply about not killing people"...Watch this clip to see the truth!
Police Arrest Singing Christians In Idaho
Three people were arrested in Moscow on Wednesday evening for participating in an outdoor worship service. We might expect this in Moscow Russia but not Moscow Idaho. Sept. 23, 2020
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Ohio Football Mom Tased and Arrested for Not Wearing Mask at a Game
Lawmaker Introduces Bill To Cancel Ohio's State Of Emergency, Face Mask Mandate
2-year-olds are getting kicked off planes for refusing to wear a mask.
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Judge Rules Pennsylvania’s ‘New Normal’ Pandemic Restrictions Are Unconstitutional, Sides With Small Businesses
Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf is standing his ground and vowing to fight a federal judge's ruling that his pandemic restrictions were unconstitutional.
Nova Scotia Mothers who know truth and have the courage to speak it! 🚫😷🚫
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
NFL hands more than $1 million US in fines against 3 teams, coaches who didn't wear masks during games
Monday, September 21, 2020
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Coronavirus Vaccine Trials Could be Stopped Early to Hide Serious Harms!
Short and simple. There is one reason that an observational vaccine safety trial would be stopped "early." Stopping a trial early removes the risk of liability when the vaccine is likely to cause serious harm and injury or not work in the real world. If the coronavirus vaccine trial was to continue it could reveal serious harms caused by the vaccine. So that said, the real "benefit" of stopping a trial is because if harms were seen then the vaccine couldn't come to market. Or if they saw harms and still brought the vaccine to market then the manufacturer or the government would be legally liable for those injuries and harms that they KNEW would happen.
Fauci says coronavirus vaccine trials could be stopped early if they produce good results
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
skinemax for peds
Town Hall (links to WAPO & New Yorker in article)
Sundance Cofounder
Space War! Russia, China Accused of Operating Direct Energy Weapons from Satellites, Asteroid Update
9/09/2020 -- NIGHT 2 of Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) off Coast of California -- Color enhanced view
UPDATE Huge News! September 16, 2020 .. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper has confirmed China + Russia possess and are using directed energy weapons (DEW) in space . Website post on the issue here with direct links:
Video link here:
DOD post here:
FEMA 'Covid Camps': What you need to know - Quebec IS Detaining People - live chat room
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Drug firms shipped 20.8M pain pills to West Virginia town with 2,900 people
Over the past decade, out-of-state drug companies shipped 20.8 million prescription painkillers to two pharmacies four blocks apart in a Southern West Virginia town with 2,900 people, according to a congressional committee investigating the opioid crisis.
The House Energy and Commerce Committee cited the massive shipments of hydrocodone and oxycodone — two powerful painkillers — to the town of Williamson, in Mingo County, amid the panel’s inquiry into the role of drug distributors in the opioid epidemic.
“These numbers are outrageous, and we will get to the bottom of how this destruction was able to be unleashed across West Virginia,” said committee Chairman Greg Walden, R-Ore., and ranking member Frank Pallone Jr., D-N.J., in a joint statement.
The panel recently sent letters to regional drug wholesalers Miami-Luken and H.D. Smith, asking why the companies increased painkiller shipments and didn’t flag suspicious drug orders from pharmacies while overdose deaths were surging across West Virginia.
The letters outline high-volume shipments to pharmacies over consecutive days and huge spikes in pain pill numbers from year to year.
Between 2006 and 2016, drug wholesalers shipped 10.2 million hydrocodone pills and 10.6 million oxycodone pills to Tug Valley Pharmacy and Hurley Drug in Williamson, according to Drug Enforcement Administration data obtained by the House Committee.
Springboro, Ohio-based Miami-Luken sold 6.4 million hydrocodone and oxycodone pills to Tug Valley Pharmacy from 2008 to 2015, the company disclosed to the panel. That’s more than half of all painkillers shipped to the pharmacy those years. In a single year (2008 to 2009), Miami-Luken’s shipments increased three-fold to the Mingo County town.
Miami-Luken also was a major supplier to the now-closed Save-Rite Pharmacy in the Mingo County town of Kermit, population 400.
The drug wholesaler shipped 5.7 million hydrocodone and oxycodone pills to Save-Rite and a branch pharmacy called Sav-Rite #2 between 2005 and 2011, according records Miami-Luken gave the committee. In 2008, the company provided 5,624 prescription pain pills for every man, woman and child in Kermit.
In its letters, the panel also raised questions about Miami-Luken’s shipments to Westside Pharmacy in Oceana, Wyoming County. The committee cited documents that show a Miami-Luken employee reported a Virginia doctor, who operated a pain clinic located two hours from Oceana, was sending his patients to Westside Pharmacy, which filled the prescriptions.
In 2015, more than 40 percent of the oxycodone prescriptions filled by Westside Pharmacy in Oceana were coming from the Virginia doctor, according to the committee’s letter. The following year, the Virginia Board of Medicine suspended the doctor’s license, finding his practice posed a “substantial danger to public health and safety.”
The panel’s letter also mentions Miami-Luken’s suspicious shipments to Colony Drug in Beckley. In a five-day span in 2015, the drug wholesaler shipped 16,800 oxycodone pills to the pharmacy.
“In several instances, Colony Drug placed multiple orders for what appears to be excessive amounts of pills on consecutive days,” the committee wrote.
The House committee questioned H.D. Smith’s painkiller shipments to Family Discount Pharmacy in Logan County. The drug shipper distributed 3,000 hydrocodone tablets a day to the pharmacy in 2008, a 10-fold increase in sales from the previous year, according to the committee’s letter. The pharmacy, located in a town of 1,800 people, was shipped 1.1 million hydrocodone pills in 2008.
The House panel also cited Springfield, Illinois-based H.D. Smith for spikes in painkiller shipments to Sav-Rite, Westside Pharmacy, Tug Valley Pharmacy and Hurley Drug.
Oxycodone is sold under brand names like OxyContin, while hydrocodone brands include Vicodin and Lortab.
“The committee’s bipartisan investigation continues to identify systemic issues with the inordinate number of opioids distributed to small town pharmacies,” Walden and Pallone said in the statement. “The volume appears to be far in excess of the number of opioids that a pharmacy in that local area would be expected to receive.”
In a statement, H.D. Smith said it was reviewing the committee’s letter Monday.
“H.D. Smith works with its upstream manufacturing and downstream pharmacy partners to guard the integrity of the supply chain, and to improve patient outcomes,” the company said.
Miami-Luken did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
In February 2016, West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey ended a state lawsuit against Miami-Luken after the company agreed to pay $2.5 million to settle allegations that it flooded the state with painkillers. Morrisey, a former lobbyist for a trade group that represents Miami-Luken and other drug distributors, inherited the lawsuit in 2013 after ousting longtime Attorney General Darrell McGraw.
H.D. Smith paid the state $3.5 million to settle the same pill-dumping allegations in January 2017.
The committee gave H.D. Smith and Miami-Luken until Feb. 9 to turn over documents and answer dozens of questions about what steps, if any, the companies took to stop the flood of pain pills into Southern West Virginia.
“We will continue to investigate these distributors’ shipments of large quantities of powerful opioids across West Virginia, including what seems to be a shocking lack of oversight over their distribution practices,” Walden and Pallone said.
The state has the highest drug overdose death rate in the nation. More than 880 people fatally overdosed in West
Monday, September 14, 2020
Growing evidence Oregon fires started by organised arson
There is growing evidence that the wide spread fires in Oregon are organised Arson. This is shown in witness testimony as well as arrests in the region including video testimony from police officers. Many of the fires take place "near" roads or highways - which shows evidence that the highway is acting as a travel line for those wishing to light fires. Of course as always, decide for yourselves.
Saturday, September 12, 2020
Big Pharma’s Business Plan: Scare The People, Inject Disease, Sell the “Solution. ”
Full blog with references and resources :
Netflix Promotes Pedophilia
Friday, September 11, 2020
COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
COVID-19(84): SECRET FACILITIES For “Uncooperative”, Masking 19 MONTH OLD BABY & New LOCKDOWN RULES!
AstraZeneca Suspends COVID 19 Vaccine Trial on Safety Concern
UK based pharma major, AstraZeneca , which is developing COVID-19 vaccine with the University of Oxford stated that it had paused late-stage trial of the COVID-19 vaccine candidate. The trial was put on hold after a volunteer developed some unexplained illness. AstraZeneca/Oxford COVID-19 vaccine AZD1222 is under late-stages of clinical trials. The Company stated it voluntarily paused vaccination for review of safety information by an independent committee. The interruption of the clinical trial has impacted other vaccine trials of AstraZeneca and ongoing trials by other vaccine developers.
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
A New Study Shows Cannabis Treatment Potential For Sickle Cell Disease
In this video we speak on a new study that has the potential to treat the pain associated with sickle cell disease. Typically opioids are the go to treatment but this study says vaporized cannabis is safer for treating pain.
‘This country is a mess’: Alan Jones
Sky News host Alan Jones says he is tired of being sucked in by governments trying manage our health which has resulted in a “ruthless and heartless abuse of power” exercised by ignorant know-all politicians. “I hate to put it bluntly as this, but the country is in a mess,” he said. “Why are we allowing or expecting government to manage our health”. Since August, 5.5 million Melburnians have been locked down in their homes whilst enduring an 8pm curfew. “Why are 5.5 million Melburnians living like battery hens; 6.5 million Victorians paying for the stupidity of Daniel Andrews. He should have resigned long ago if he had any decency.” “But this is the mess you get into if you want to allow politicians to control your lives. “Andrews and a useless, silent and spineless Cabinet have no ability to manage Victoria and Australia out of this mess.”
Monday, September 7, 2020
On the heels of more
violent protests in the U.S., Europeans have a different way. Millions
of peaceful protesters marched together in unison across London &
Germany, to name a few, last weekend sounding a collective cry for freedom, scientific integrity, and an end
to lockdowns. On this Labor Day, let us remember it is “We The People”
that make our countries strong and we should never let fear dictate
over our freedoms.
‘Project Wide Awake’: How the RCMP Watches You on Social Media
'Golden boy': Espionage suspect Cameron Ortis was a polarizing figure as he climbed RCMP ranks
RCMP officials ignored warnings about accused mole Cameron Ortis, lawsuit alleges
What Brings Bill Clinton, Tony Blair and Frank McKenna Together In Small Town Nova Scotia
RCMP to provide update on arrest, charges of senior official
Psychiatrist alleges RCMP's 'attempt to bully' him shows historic sexual harassment apology hollow
Abbotsford Counsellor Brenda Falk Under Attack and Retired RCMP Exposes Corruption
Sunday, September 6, 2020
Woman dead 6 months receives letter saying she is COVID-19 positive
Have You Realised the Lockdown is Here to Stay Yet?
WITS - COVID-19 Test Kits (382200) Imports by Country in 2018:
State-by-state breakdown of federal aid per COVID-19 case:
COVID-19 And Face Masks- Interview with Denis Rancourt:
CDC Report Finds Underlying Conditions in 94 Percent of COVID-19 Deaths:
Swiss Policy Research - Facts about Covid-19:
Daniel Andrews – Australia’s Dictator – Crimes Against Humanity:
Utah Threatens Students With Arrest For Not Wearing Facemask In School:
Tens of Thousands of Chickens and Emus to be Killed as Victorian Bird Flu Outbreak Worsens:
Forget N95 Masks. These Space Helmets Are The Latest Pandemic Fashion Accessory:
Facebook Threatens to Ban Australians from Sharing News:
Victorian Doctors Pen Desperate Letter to Dan Andrews About Controversial State of Emergency Bill:
Diarrhoea and Vomiting May be Key Sign of Covid in Children – Study:
Mike Strutter - STRUTTER BUBBLE:
SKYWATCH: a Sci-Fi Short by Colin Levy:
Daniel Andrews Premier of Victoria Contact:
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - 200 Years Together pdf:
Saturday, September 5, 2020
Dr.Theresa Tam advocates round up of those who refuse vaccinations!
In a 2010 National Film Board of Canada predicatively program documentary OUTBREAK details the Government of Canada's plans for a future outbreak (COVID-19 in 2020) and how it will take care of those who refuse vaccinations for the virus... by rounding them up and putting them in detention centres
Lock Step to Lock Downs,2010 ---- Harry Vox from 2014
Friday, September 4, 2020
LIVE: Protest against coronavirus lockdown measures takes place in London
Streamed live on Aug 29, 2020
This is what you need to know about the pregnant woman arrested yesterday
Yesterday the world witnessed the young pregnant mother, Zoe-lee Buhler, being arrested in front of her children for a Facebook post. Today, the premier and the assistant police commissioner are lying.
Thursday, September 3, 2020
You should wear a face mask while having sex, according to Canada's chief medical officer