Thursday, September 30, 2021
Covid Outbreak In Duke University - 97.8% Are Fully Vaccinated 2.2% Are Unvaccinated
Portpass app may have exposed hundreds of thousands of users’ personal data
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Private proof-of-vaccination app Portpass exposed personal information, including the driver’s licences, of what could be as many as hundreds of thousands of users by leaving its website unsecured. On Monday evening, CBC News received a tip that the user profiles on the app’s website could be accessed by members of the public. CBC is not sharing how to access those profiles, in order to protect users’ personal information, but has verified that email addresses, names, blood types, phone numbers, birthdays, as well as photos of identification like driver’s licences and passports can easily be viewed by reviewing dozens of users’ profiles. The information was not encrypted and could be viewed in plain text. Earlier in the day, the Calgary-based company’s CEO Zakir Hussein had denied the app had verification or security issues and accused those who raised concerns about it of breaking the law. CBC called Hussein late Monday, and agreed to hold off on publishing an article on the lapse until late Tuesday morning in order to give his team time to lock down the site and protect user information. The web app was pulled offline that evening and users of the mobile app were met with “Network error” pop-up messages if they attempted to upload or modify any information. Hussein said Tuesday morning that the breach only lasted for minutes, and repeated that claim when CBC pointed out it had reviewed the personal information for more than an hour — and it’s unknown how long the information was exposed before that tip was received. “Someone that’s out there is trying to destroy us here, and we’re trying to build something good for people,” he said. “There’s holes, and what I’m realizing is I think there are some things that we need to fix here. And you know, we’re trying to play catch-up, I guess, and trying to figure out where these holes are.” The CEO said data has been pulled from the server and his developers are investigating. He said he believes only those who were awaiting verification were affected, a claim CBC was unable to verify. Hussein has said Portpass has more than 650,000 registered users across Canada. Read More Here |
What Actually Happens with Covid Vaccine. "When the body begins to internally produce spike protein,
Anonymous Expert Reveals What Actually Happens with Covid Vaccine. "When the body begins to internally produce spike protein, the body realizes that it isn’t an infection, it’s actually a poison. So, the body sees it as a poison and generates poison-based antibodies and takes them out."
Attorney suing NY gov.: she's 'waging jihad' on COVID resistors
Life SiteNews
New York's new Democrat Governor is declaring the COVID vaccine to be a gift from God and is calling for apostles to vaccinate the world. She has also announced her intention to force state health employees to be vaccinated or lose their jobs. Thomas More Society Special Counsel Christopher Ferrara joins Jim Hale to discuss the absurdity of Governor Kathy Hochul.
Young Girl Tested With Swab at School Bleeds From Eye, Nose ( Update)
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Gabby Petito's in Sandy Hook Music Video Irreplaceable 2013
Tony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric, the Wuhan Lab, “chimeric” viruses, gain of function research, airborne nanoparticle release...this story has it all as newly discovered documents lay out a shocking roadmap that even DARPA Refused to engage with. Is this the latest smoking gun in the Covid-19 lab origins story?
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Thousands of Physicians and Medical Scientists Sign “Rome Declaration” in Protest, Launch New Information Platform
Over 7,200 physicians and medical scientists worldwide have signed the “Rome Declaration” to alert citizens about the deadly consequences of Covid-19 policy makers’ and medical authorities’ unprecedented behavior; behavior such as denying patient access to lifesaving early treatments, disrupting the sacred, physician-patient relationship and suppressing open scientific discussion for profits and power.
The Declaration was created by physicians and scientists during the Rome Covid Summit, and immediately catalyzed support from doctors around the world. These professionals, many of whom are on the front lines of pandemic treatment, have experienced career threats, character assassination, censorship of scientific papers and research, social media accounts blocked, online search results manipulated, clinical trials and patient observations banned, and their professional history and accomplishments minimized in both academic and mainstream media.
Though the declaration’s signatories are diverse in their specialties, treatment philosophies and medical opinions, they have risen up to take a collective stand against authoritarian measures by corporations, medical associations, and governments and their respective agencies. The objective of the declaration is to reclaim their leadership role in conquering this pandemic.
In concert with the declaration, the signatories have created a “Doctors - and Scientists-only” COVID information platform so that citizens can make informed decisions for their families without interruption, manipulation, politicization, or profiteering from external forces outside of the doctor-patient relationship. Read the Declaration HERE.
Medicare (CMS) Data Points to MUCH Higher Jab-Deaths
How does survival rate of patients using Ivermectin ($24) compare to those using Remdesavir ($3,100)? And, lawsuit claims Medicare/Medicaid data (that covers only 18% of the population) shows nearly 50,000 deaths within 14 days of getting jabbed — much higher than CDC data that counts any death before 14 days after the second dose as “unvaccinated”.
Syringes reused at B.C. pharmacy giving COVID-19 vaccine; college investigating
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Syringes were reused for COVID-19 vaccines at a B.C. pharmacy, the Fraser Health Authority has confirmed.
Fraser Health confirmed Tuesday by email that its staff had been made aware that syringes – "the plastic tube which holds the vaccine solution, not the needles" – were reused at a pharmacy in its jurisdiction.
A spokesperson described it as "an infection prevention and control lapse."
"While the risk of contracting a bloodborne illness as a result of reusing a syringe is low, we encourage all affected individuals to seek care from their family physician or walk-in clinic to eliminate this potential concern," Fraser Health said.
The authority did not confirm where in its region, which spans from Burnaby to Boston Bar, the pharmacy was located.
It said the pharmacy was participating in a provincial pilot program testing the ability of pharmacies to use a specific booking system, and that the location was suspended from the program once it was learned that syringes were being reused.
The B.C. College of Pharmacists is investigating, Fraser Health said.
CTV News reached out to the college, but it only confirmed the investigation, which is being led by its Complaints and Investigations Team.
A post on its website outlining complaints identified the pharmacist as Bhanu Prasad Seelaboyina who, according to a since-deleted LinkedIn profile, was the pharmacy manager of a Guardian Pharmacy location in New Westminster.
The college's investigation falls under Section 32.2(4)(b)(i) of the Health Professions Act. It wrote that the pharmacist agreed to limitations on his practice last week, pending the results of the investigation.
He cannot act as pharmacy manager during this time, nor can he administer any drugs or substances by injection.
His drug administration certificate has also been revoked, according to the college, which wrote, "The Registrant has admitted to using the same syringe barrel for multiple patients while administering COVID-19 vaccinations between August 24, 2021 and August 26, 2021."
It goes on to say that, "due to the Registrant's conduct and judgment in this case, the Inquiry Committee considered the above limits and conditions necessary to protect against further risk of harm to patients."
"We take control lapse very seriously," Fraser Health said of its role in the investigation.
"As soon as we became aware of the issue, our Public Health team began following up with impacted patients regarding appropriate next steps to ensure their well-being."
Health authority staff first attempted to contact these patients by phone, then followed up with a letter.
The B.C. Centre for Disease Control lists Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and
the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) as among the "most notable"
bloodborne diseases. Others include malaria, syphilis and brucellosis,
though the BCCDC says there are many other pathogens that can be carried
through the blood. Source
RCMP union says it supports a Mountie’s ‘right’ to refuse vaccination
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he RCMP’s union says it supports the “right” of RCMP officers to
refuse to get vaccinated and will back up any member who refuses
vaccination once the mandatory vaccination policy for the federal public
service is in place.
“The [National Police Federation] supports a member’s right to choose to be vaccinated or not,” says a Sept. 23 email to members, obtained by CBC News. “We will assist and represent members individually with their choice and its possible employment consequences.” A spokesperson for the union wouldn’t say how many members have voiced concerns about vaccination against COVID-19, citing privacy reasons. Just two days before the August election call, the Liberal government announced that it would make vaccines mandatory for federal employees and those travelling by plane, train or ship. “We’re unequivocal that civil servants must be vaccinated. If anyone doesn’t have a legitimate medical reason for not getting fully vaccinated — or chooses to not get vaccinated — there will be consequences,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said during the campaign. The Liberals said the policy could come in as soon as October. Today, the re-elected Trudeau indicated things are moving ahead. “First off, we’re going to ensure that the federal public service is vaccinated. There is a clear requirement of vaccination for anyone who works for the federal government,” he said during his first full news conference since last week’s election. “Second, we’re going to make sure, in the coming weeks, that anyone 12 or older who wants to get on a plane or a train be fully vaccinated.” It remains unclear how those “consequences” would affect the RCMP’s rank and file officers, or whether they could lead to officer shortages in an already stressed police service. Details still being sorted out National RCMP headquarters referred all questions to the Treasury Board Secretariat, which said it is still working with stakeholders, including unions, on the finer details of the vaccination policy. “Details will be communicated in the days and weeks to come,” said Geneviève Sicard in an email to CBC News. The NPF email goes on to advise members that the union sought legal counsel on the RCMP’s rationale for collecting employees’ vaccination status. The email said the legal opinion concluded the RCMP’s reasoning is sound, in part, for “duties of public safety” reasons. The union advised members to disclose their vaccination status only to the RCMP’s health services wing and not to a supervisor or manager. The Toronto Police Service, Canada’s largest municipal police, told all of its uniformed and civilian members to provide proof of their COVID-19 vaccination status by Sept. 13 — a move its union has said it does not support. According to the Toronto Star, the Toronto Police Association has negotiated a commitment from TPS that officers will not be disciplined and will not be transferred if they didn’t disclose their vaccination status by that deadline. “We continue to strongly encourage all personnel to be vaccinated unless they have a valid medical reason to not be fully vaccinated,” the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police advocacy group said in a statement last month. Source From CBC News |
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Whistleblower Lawsuit! Government Medicare Data Shows 48,465 DEAD Following COVID Shots
Attorney Thomas Renz spoke at an event in Colorado this past weekend, and stated that more whistleblowers have now come forward, and that the death rate with those taking the COVID-19 vaccines is much higher than they originally thought.
Presenting data that he claims comes directly from the CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) database, there have been 48,465 deaths among CMS beneficiaries within 14 days of a 1st or 2nd dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
There are about 59.4 million Americans covered by Medicare, representing 18.1% of the population, so these are staggering numbers!
Over 3,500 health care workers demand AHS rescind vaccine mandate
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Thousands of Alberta Health Services (AHS) employees have sent an open letter to their bosses demanding it drop its mandatory vaccination for staff policy. The letter’s signators say they include both vaccinated and unvaccinated physicians, nurses, first responders and health care professionals that oppose the AHS requirement they are fully vaccinated by the end of October, or face job loss. Citing the severe strain the health care system is currently facing, the signatories shared concerns about providing adequate patient care with the looming threat of potential loss of staff. As of its release on September 20, 3,544 health care workers have
signed the letter, saying they are “standing together in keeping the
Alberta healthcare system operating at its greatest capacity to support
the highest possible number of patients.”Learn More |
PPC rally in Toronto - Powerful Speech From Jody Ledgerwood (2021)
Additional information: If your employer says you need to get the dangerous and experimental Covid-19 gene therapy injection so you can keep your job, they are violating the Nuremberg Code of 1947. According to the Nuremberg Code, “the voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.”
Army Flight Surgeon, Whistleblower: All VAXED Pilots Should Be Grounded Immediately 9/25/21
Sept. 25, 2021
After 3 Pulmonary Embolisms Within 48 Hours Of Vaccination Pose High Risk Of Cardiac Arrest In Flight
“Today I received word of one fatality and two ICU cases on Fort Hood; the deceased was an Army pilot who could have been flying at the time. All three pulmonary embolism events happened within 48 hours of their vaccination. I cannot attribute this result to anything other than the Covid 19 vaccines as the source of these events. Each person was in top physical condition before the inoculation and each suffered the event within 2 days post vaccination”
I, Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, MD, MPH, FS being duly sworn, depose and state as follows:
1. I make this affidavit, as a whistle blower under the Military Whistleblower Protection Act, Title 10 U.S.C. § 1034, in support of the above referenced MOTION as expert testimony in support thereof.
2. The expert opinions expressed here are my own and arrived at from my persons, professional and educational experiences taken in context, where appropriate, by scientific data, publications, treatises, opinions, documents, reports and other information relevant to the subject matter and are not necessarily those of the Army or Department of Defense.
Experience & Credentials
3. I am competent to testify to the facts and matters set forth herein. A true and accurate copy of my curriculum vitae is attached hereto as Exhibit A.
4. After receiving a bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas Austin, completed my medical degree from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Medical School in 2008. I served as a Field Surgeon for ten years and went on to complete a residency in Aerospace and Occupational Medicine at the United States Army School of Aviation Medicine, Fort Rucker, AL. I hold a Master’s in Public Health, and I have been trained by the Combat Readiness Center at Ft. Rucker as an Aviation Safety Officer. Additionally, I have trained in the Medical Management of Chemical and Biological Causalities at Fort Detrick and USAMIIRD.
5. I am board certified in flight Aerospace Medicine and board eligible in Occupational Medicine.
6. I am currently serving as the Brigade Surgeon for the 1st Aviation Brigade Ft. Rucker, Alabama and am responsible for certifying the health, mental and physical ability, and readiness for all nearly 4,000 individuals on flight status on this post.
7. My appended curriculum vitae further demonstrates my academic and scientific achievements by me over the past thirteen years.
8. Prior to the outset of the pandemic, I received specialized military training from Infectious Disease doctors from the Army, Navy and Air Force on emerging infectious disease threats, FEMA training, Emergency preparedness training, Medical effects of Ionizing Radiation, OSHA, Aerospace Toxicology, Epidemiology, Biostatistics, medical research and disaster planning. More recently I have functioned as a medical and scientific advisor to an Aviation training Brigade seeking to identify risk mitigation strategies, and bio statistical analysis of SARS- Cov-2 (“Covid 19”) infections in both vaccinated and unvaccinated Soldiers. In so doing, I have identified, diagnosed and treated Covid 19 pathogenic infections. I have observed vaccine adverse events following the administration of EUA vaccines, and followed the success of Soldiers who obtained various Covid 19 therapies outside the military. The majority of the service members within the DOD population are young and in good physical condition. Military aviators are a subset of the military population that has to meet the most stringent medical standards to be on flight status. The population of student pilots I take care of are primarily in their 20s-30s, males and in excellent physical condition. The risk of serious illness or death in this population from SARs-CoV-2 is minimal, with a survival rate of 99.997%.
9. In observing, studying and analyzing all the available data, information, samples, experiences, histories and results of these treatments and inoculations provided, I have formulated a professional opinion, which requires me to report those findings to superiors in the chain of command and colleagues in the military. I have done so with mixed results in terms of acceptance, rejection and threats of punishment for so sharing.
10. The application of risk management is critical to the safety and success in both medicine and aviation. Aerospace Medicine is a specialty devoted to safety of flight by the aeromedical dispositioning and treatment of flight crew members, as accomplished by the consistent and careful application of risk mitigation and management strategies. ATP 5-19, 1-3. Risk Management (RM)1 outlines a disciplined approach to express a risk level in terms readily understood at all echelons.
Monday, September 27, 2021
Watch: Australian C-17 Globemaster Conducts Insane Maneuver Between Skyscrapers
NHS hiring actors to play Covid-19 patients and care home residents as well as spending millions of tax-payers money on propaganda TV adverts rather than care
The NHS is currently in the process of shooting various TV adverts as well as hiring actors to play Covid-19 patients and care home residents, meaning they are spending millions of pounds of tax-payers money on propaganda rather than care, despite a backlog of patients feared to be as high as twelve million people.
Adverts posted to the ‘Talent Talks’ site, which is a casting agency for various tv programmes and adverts, show that the NHS has been looking for a variety of actors to play several different roles including hospital patients, and care home residents, as well as to play out scenes which include bus journeys and partying in night clubs.
Each actor is to be paid around £120 per day and will be Covid tested upon arrival, according to the ads. Some of the scenes have already been shot, whilst others are taking place on September 24th.
The following is what we discovered on the Talent Talks site so far –
The Final Refutal of virology
Viral Misconceptions and the True Nature of Viruses
Viruses, Contagion, & Butterscotch Pudding
Sunday, September 26, 2021
Millionaire offers $1.2 M reward to anyone providing an isolated sample of the COVID-19 virus
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Many investigations and reports have been generated around the world concerning the disastrous COVID-19 or CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Virus; however, for some people and institutions, it has not been satisfactorily proven that it is the one that generates the deaths attributed to it.
After several initiatives that offered rewards to whoever managed to isolate the virus from someone supposedly contaminated with it, the group led by evangelist pastor and journalist Samuel Eckert breaks the record by offering the equivalent of $1.2 million on its website.
“1million € for scientific proof of the existence of a coronavirus, including documented control attempts of all steps taken in the proof,” the page announces.
It should be noted that it is not the existence of the virus in doubt, but instead that it is the cause of death of those infected with it.
The website adds: “The currently offered 1 million EUR will be completely covered by Team Samuel Eckert. Thank you very much for your commitment! Get in touch.”
He had already collected about $13,500, which will be returned to the contributors.
Eckert is one of many people who still doubt the veracity of the whole narrative surrounding the CCP virus and the strong push to vaccinate everyone on the planet.
He has also created channels on Telegram and other social networks, offering a forum for exchange for those who are like-minded. One of his Telegram accounts links 120,000 users.
Italian journalist Cesare Sacchetti, meanwhile, adds a bit more information about the requirements to be met by those aspiring to Eckert’s reward.
“German journalist Samuel Eckert is offering a reward of 1 million dollars for those who provide irrefutable proof of the existence of Covid-19,” he writes in one of his tweets.
He adds: “By proof, he means the isolation of the virus according to Koch’s postulates. To date, no one has been able to win Eckert’s challenge,” reiterating that the virus does not meet the classical requirements established since 1905.
German journalist Samuel Eckert is offering a reward of 1 million dollars for those who provide irrefutable proof of the existence of Covid-19. By proof, he means the isolation of the virus according to Koch's postulates. To date, no one has been able to win Eckert's challenge.
— Cesare Sacchetti (@CesareSacchetti) April 17, 2021
Robert Koch was a German physician who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1905 for his work on tuberculosis and established the postulates on the lethality of a virus, not its existence.
Many questions are surrounding the pandemic and the repeated contradictions of the WHO, and the difficulties in studying the origin of the virus in the virology laboratory of Wuhan, China, do not contribute anything to clear them up.
More and more questions arise, such as the one raised a few days ago by the lawsuit filed by the clinical scientist and immunologist-virologist of a Southern California laboratory, Dr. Derek Knauss, and his colleagues from 7 universities against the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for massive fraud.
After testing 1,500 samples from people who tested “positive” for the CCP Virus [COVID-19], these scientists found that ALL of the samples had evidence of Influenza A and Influenza B, something that had already been discovered in other cases, and none of COVID-19.
“When my lab team and I subjected the 1500 supposedly positive Covid-19 samples to Koch’s postulates and put them under an SEM (electron microscope), we found NO Covid in all 1500 samples. We found that all 1500 samples were primarily Influenza A and some Influenza B, but no cases of Covid,” said Knauss.
Elias Georgakopoulos: Healthy 15-Year-Old Boy Dies 3 Days After Receiving The Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine, Brother Speaks Out
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ARCARDIA, GREECE – A 15-year-old boy has died 3 days after receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Elias Georgakopoulos got his shot on September 10th. He was found lifeless in his room on Monday, September 13th. The family is seeking answers for the sudden death of the healthy boy. The 15-year-old was transported to Pan Arcadian General Hospital and despite ‘superhuman efforts’ of doctors to bring him back, it didn’t succeed. His brother, 31-year-old Nikos Georgakopoulos said: “My brother was a very strong child, he never complained about anything. There were talking in his school about the vaccine. So on Friday, he went to get his shot at a vaccination center in Tripoli. He came home and was fine,” an emotional Nikos told reporters at the funeral. “He only said that his arm was hurting a little when he touched it. On Sunday, he played and packed his bag for school on Monday. He even took a rapid test that day and tested negative. He went to sleep. In the morning, my sister went to wake him up for school but he was dead in his bed. He died from a side effect of the vaccine but they will hide it. We will move in every direction until we have answers.” The uncle of Elias posted this on Facebook: |
Majda El Azrak: 14-Year-Old Who Went Into A Coma Two Days After Receiving Her Second Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Has Died
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The COVID World post date: September 24th, 2021
RUFANNO, ITALY – A 14-year-old girl has died 1 month after receiving her second Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Majda El Azrak got her second shot on August 17th. She had a severe headache the next day and was hospitalized on August 19th. She slipped into a comatose state several hours later. The young girl of Moroccan origins died on September 13th. The doctors who administered the vaccine are under investigation.
Majda received her first dose of the Pfizer vaccine on July 22nd and her second dose on August 17th. The following day, on August 18th, she suffered a severe headache and swelling in one eye that made it necessary to be hospitalized. After a few hours she fell into a comatose state at Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bari. She died after 26 days in the intensive care unit.
Her parents, assisted by criminal lawyer Pasquale Scorrano, have filed charges against the doctors who administered the vaccine. “The family has every right to know what happened,” Pasquale said. Prosecutor Donatina Buffelli has ordered an autopsy to acquire all the necessary information to carry out a thorough investigation and establish a confirmed diagnosis.
Saturday, September 25, 2021
When STAYING ALIVE goes against the narrative and isn't as profitable...
until People find out Hospitals MURDERED PATIENTS all over their
Country with Ventilators to uphold the narrative and collect $$$$ per
Covid Case!
Teen Girl Heart Stops After Coerced Into Taking It
This 13 year-old girl just wanted to play soccer. She was did not want to take the CoVID vaccine but when the Premier of the provinces mandated it for sports, she felt compelled. Shortly thereafter, she collapsed. We ask the same question to you: Dr. Strang and Premier Tim Houston, how can you sleep at night? This occurred in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Calgary police investigate Liberal MP-elect George Chahal
Former Calgary city councillor captured on camera removing opponent's campaign material from porch
An investigation has been launched into an incident involving Liberal MP-elect George Chahal, Calgary police confirm.
formerly a city councillor, ran for the Liberals in the riding of
Calgary Skyview and captured the sole non-Conservative seat in the city
from incumbent Jag Sahota on Monday.
day before the election, he was captured on a doorbell camera removing
one of Sahota's campaign flyers and replacing it with one of his own.
A Calgary police spokesperson confirmed that a complaint was received.
report has been directed to our Anti-Corruption Unit that handles
investigations of a sensitive nature or involving a public official,"
read a statement from the spokesperson.
"We are in the very
early stages of the investigation and at this point we have not yet
determined if the investigation will remain with CPS or be transitioned
to another investigative body, such as Elections Canada." Read More
Friday, September 24, 2021
Winged microchip is smallest-ever human-made flying structure
It's neither a bird nor a plane, but a winged microchip as small as a grain of sand that can be carried by the wind as it monitors such things as pollution levels or the spread of airborne diseases.
The tiny microfliers, whose development by engineers at Northwestern University was detailed in an article published by Nature this week, are being billed as the smallest-ever human-made flying structures. Learn More
Guess who CNN Interviewed after the Boston Marathon Bombing
From 2013. CNN interviews Dr. Leana Wen about what was happening at Massachusetts General Hospital on the day of the Boston Marathon Bombing.
Search for Brian update Friday
Man matching Brian Laundrie’s description caught on trail camera
Know Your Rights Canada
Congressman Paul Gosar Drafts Letter to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Following Project Veritas Investigation
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Congressman Paul Gosar (AZ-04) has sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [HHS] demanding a “full review of all HHS health care systems nationally to ensure full compliance with vaccine injury reporting laws including reporting all adverse events occurring after the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine. 💢 Read Full Story Here
Related 💢 Gosar Demands Answers Regarding Under Reporting of COVID-19 Vaccine Data
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Israeli Health Minister Hot mic that covid green passports are coercion.
Israeli Ministry of Health (right) recorded saying to the Minister of Interior (left) "there is no medical or epidemiological justification for the Covid passport, it is only intended to pressure the unvaccinated to vaccinate"
NCCA Student Golfer John Stokes Gets Heart Disease Following Jab is offered a bribe To Keep Quiet!
They Never Isolated The Virus
When you start asking questions, you discovery how little science there is here and how much of it is false. Because people collect the facts, the truth is coming out
92 Year Old Holocaust Survivor Brings Crowd To Tears
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Protesters march against construction jab mandates in Melbourne
Hundreds of protesters, including construction workers, gather in Melbourne to march against a new COVID-19 vaccine mandate for workers on construction sites. The march comes after the government shuttered the sites in the city and other lockdown areas in the state of Victoria following a violent protest on Monday. A huge number of police officers in riot gear tried to control the crowd as they moved through the city streets of Melbourne for several hours.
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Sept 2. 2021. Molecular Biologist speaks at Dawson Creek City Council meeting
Poses her concerns over the current situation. In the Age of Information...Ignorance is a Choice!
San Francisco Mayor Caught Partying Maskless Along BLM Co-Founder, Breaking Her Own Mask Mandate
San Francisco Mayor London Breed was seen partying and singing maskless in a nightclub with a Black Lives Matter co-founder, breaking her city’s mask mandate.
“She’s been very clear that everybody needs to do their part, we’re not out of the woods. San Francisco’s rules have been very restrictive, and I don’t see her playing her part in that photo,” said Danielle Rabkin, Crossfit Golden Gate Gym owner, according to NBC Bay Area.
The Black Cat Nightclub’s Instagram page had posted, and then deleted, a photo showing Breed smiling and partying with friends maskless on Wednesday evening, the San Francisco Chronicle reported. She was accompanied by BLM co-founder Alicia Garza and singer Raphael Saadiq.
Videos and photos of Breed in the jazz club, however, continue to circulate on social media and show other people in the club were also maskless.
San Francisco’s mask mandate states, “Everyone, including people who are fully vaccinated, must wear a well-fitted mask in indoor public settings at all times,” and adds, “people may remove their well-fitted mask while actively eating or drinking.”
Federal Govt HHS Whistle blower Goes Public with Secret Recordings - [09/20/2021]
Monday, September 20, 2021
Dax - Propaganda (Feat. Tom MacDonald) [Official Music Video]
“Propaganda” hit 1 MILLION VIEWS in less than 2 days. Wow…Love y’all. Let’s keep making an IMPACT.
Fed up Nova Scotians finally stand up and tell the truth
Fed up Nova Scotians finally stand up and tell the truth. The news are liars. This is what was really said
Nova Scotia Fears People Gathering and Spreading The Truth
Nova Scotia's top doctor didn't warn public about flu strain immune to latest vaccine
Mary Tyler Moore, Swine Flu Shot
This CBS produced 60 Minutes was from 1979,
A healthy 16 year old life ruined by the vaccine.
Now she is suffering from neurological issues. Her family shares their story.
'Pretty telling' Biden administration 'tries to hide' border crisis: Morrow
The Biden administration choosing to try to hide the migrant crisis on the southwest border is pretty telling, says Sky News host James Morrow. According to Mr Morrow, footage obtained by Fox News shows "thousands and thousands of illegal migrants, mostly Haitians trying to make their way into the United States via Mexico, have been streaming in every day". "So what did the Biden administration choose to do about this?" Mr Morrow said. "Faced with the bad optics of drone footage that revealed the extent of the crisis at the border, they didn't decide to change tack or get tough or even, God help us, end the insane policies that have created this mess. "No, officials got on the phone to the Federal Aviation Administration and had them issue a temporary ban on drone flights in the area." Mr Morrow said Fox News found a workaround by acquiring a helicopter through local law enforcement resources. "Not just one hired by the company but one provided by local law enforcement – you know, the ones who have to deal with the mess created by Biden's policies, so they could show the world what is going on," Mr Morrow said. "Any government, any regime, faced with such a crisis pretty much has two options – they can either act to do something about it or they can simply try to stop you from finding out about it. "Guess which option the Biden administration chose – that they chose to try and hide it is pretty telling."
Canada police officers firefighters have gathered for protest against mandatory COVID19 vaccinations
Canada: Police officers, firefighters and paramedics have gathered at Queen's Park, Toronto for a silent protest against mandatory COVID19 vaccinations.
FBI Holds Presser Regarding Missing N.Y. Woman Gabby Petito
The FBI says it found a body in Wyoming consistent with the description of the missing Long Island woman Gabby Petito. There is no final confirmation yet whether it's her, though, and no cause of death either. Petito has been missing since August. Her partner Brian Laundrie, who was not cooperating with authorities investigating her disappearance, is now missing himself.
Sunday, September 19, 2021
BOMBSHELL: FDA Allows Whistleblower Testimony that COVID-19 Vaccines Are Killing and Harming People!
The FDA held a Vaccine Advisory Committee meeting on September 17, 2021 to discuss authorizing a third Pfizer COVID-19 "booster shot."
Surprisingly, the FDA allowed dissenting doctors to comment during the open session.
The committee voted 16 to 2 AGAINST recommending the booster shots, and some doctors gave stunning testimony on just how dangerous the already approved shots are. We include the testimony of 3 different individuals from the 8 hour long meeting here: Dr. Joseph Fraiman, Steve Kirsch, and Dr. Jessica Rose.
Pulmonary Nurse Speaks Out How Covid Policy Was Killing Patients | SC Medical Affairs Committee
15th September, 2021 - This is Albert Spence, a 31-year pulmonary nurse veteran, now no longer working as a practising nurse due in large part to the changes in the hospitals' Covid policy. It is chilling to watch how Albert Spence came to realise that he was aiding and abetting the demise of patients under his care, due to the change in Covid policy - specifically the PCR Test.
My 16-Yr Old Son Died 5-Days After Pfizer CV-19 Shot w/Ernest Ramirez
Father, Mr. Ernest Borrado Ramirez Sr. wants every parent to know how much he loved his son. Mr. Ramirez wants to inform all parents to be cautious about the potential adverse events and potential death in young children regarding the covid-19 vaccination roll-out. Ernest Ramirez Jr. died 5-days after getting the Pfizer covid-19 vaccine. Junior collapsed playing basketball. The autopsy revealed that junior's heart was double in size. Junior had no previous medical health issues prior to the shot.
The tribute video to Ernest Ramirez Jr.:
B.C. nurses’ union ‘cannot support’ COVID vaccine mandate that could mean fewer staff
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Two major health care unions say they’re concerned about staffing challenges following Monday’s announcement of a vaccine mandate for all health care staff.
The B.C. Nurses’ Union said in a statement to Black Press Media Thursday (Sept. 16) that it “cannot support any order which will serve to remove even a single nurse or other health care worker from the healthcare system at a time of severe crisis.”
The BCNU said further that while it “strongly encourages” everyone, nurses included, to get vaccinated against COVID-19, the union “expects government and health employers to avoid any measures that may take nurses away from providing patient care.”
In a separate statement, the BCNU said it expects the province to come up with contingency plans if nurses quit in large numbers, citing pre-pandemic estimates that show B.C. will be 24,000 nurses short by 2029.
“The question for this government is how it intends to staff units where there are unvaccinated staff,” the BCNU said. “The additional stress this is creating in worksites for nurses is unacceptable.”
The BCNU said it has “always advocated for vaccination” and that a “very high percentage” of its members are already immunized against COVID-19.
For the members who are not vaccinated, the union said it is looking to employers to put in place other safety measures, including rapid testing, strict adherence to PPE protocols and redeployment of staff to other care settings.
However, the union said that since nurses’ vaccination rates are not equal across the province, some regions will struggle more than others.
“This reality can pose desperate staffing challenges in worksites where staffing is already stretched extremely thin,” the BCNU said.
“Taking nurses away from the bedside will have serious impacts on patient care.”
The BCNU declined to make a spokesperson available to Black Press Media to discuss the vaccine mandate further.
A spokesperson for another major health care union in B.C. said that he’s not surprised to see the announcement, which was signalled weeks earlier by the provincial health officer.
Hospital Employee Union spokesperson Mike Old said that they have always supported a voluntary vaccination program and encouraged members to get immunized.
“That’s a position that until last month was also shared by the provincial health officer and the minister of health. Obviously, things have changed in terms of the Delta variant and its virulence.,” Old told Black Press Media by phone.
“So we are encouraging our members – the very few who are not vaccinated – now is the time to go seek credible information from a reliable source, like their family doctor and BC Centre for Disease Control and, you know, make a decision that keeps them in the healthcare system after October.
Some of their staff, like nurses in long-term care, already had a vaccine mandate that will be in effect as of Oct. 12. Overall, the union represents 50,000 employees across B.C., including in health records, housekeeping, dietary service and trades and as lab assistants and pharmacy techs
It’s likely that not all HEU members will be covered by the immunization requirement – the provincial health order is not yet available, but health officials said it would cover workers in patient-facing roles – but Old worries that it could push some staff to quit, putting further strain on an already stretched health care system, even though the union estimates more than 90 per cent of their members are already vaccinated.
“This system has been operating right at the edge since before the pandemic, and and there is a risk that some locations, this may cause a bit of a staffing crisis,” he said. “We can avoid that by, you know, supporting and encouraging workers to get summated.”
Speaking at an unrelated health ministry press conference Tuesday, Health Minister Adrian Dix said that the province felt that the vaccine mandate was necessary but is working on plans to ensure that the system does not crash. The majority of patients in hospital and ICU are unvaccinated. B.C. government data show that from Sept. 7-13, people not fully vaccinated accounted for 76.5 per cent of cases and from Aug. 31-Sept. 13, they accounted for 87.3 cent of hospitalizations.
“I think it’s important not to speculate too much about the numbers [of people who may quit]. We know that the massive majority of health care workers have been immunized everywhere in B.C.,” Dix said, adding that with 87 per cent of the general adult population in B.C. already partially vaccinated, the number for health care staff is likely even higher.
“That said, we don’t want to lose anybody so we will be working with people to ensure that the maximum number of people are immunized. We are preparing to deal with this situation after Oct. 12.”