Saturday, August 2, 2014

Peaches Wearing Panties Are Apparently A Thing In China

We all know that peaches look like fuzzy pink butts. But have you ever thought to put that peach butt in a pair of peach-sized panties?
Vendors in China have apparently started selling these panties-wearing peaches as novelty gifts. Dubbed “When the honey peach ripens” (which has an erotic connotation in Mandarin), these peaches are apparently being sold as gifts in anticipation of the Qixi festival, which is known as the “Chinese Valentine’s Day.” The Qixi festival falls on Aug. 2 this year.
Sina News reports that a man only referred to as "Mr. Yao" -- an owner of an online fruit shop in China -- has claimed to be the creator of the pantied-peach. Yao has reportedly applied for a patent for the underwear-clad fruit.
Yao says his peaches’ panties are custom-made, Sina reports. Each peach is reportedly dressed by hand.
According to the Jinling Evening News, a box of 9 peaches can cost up to $80.

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