Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Alex Jones Exposed - Shill Gate Keeper Zionist
A compilation for truthers stuck in the controlled opposition. There's much more evidence out there if you are willing to search. Sources below:
1. Time Warner:
2. Shill in Protest:
3. Fear Porn:
4. Bill Cooper:
5. Alex Exposed:
Alex Jones crazy rant compilation:
Pig Gelitin Used In Multiple Vaccines.
Multiple Vaccines contain pig gelitin as a stabalizer. This video has been automatically demonetized. Here is a link to my website with 100s of other demonetized videos exposing the dangers of vaccines.
Deadly Monsanto Weedkiller Discovered In Popular Beers And Wines
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Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Gynecologist’s Idea of a ‘Joke’ Was to Dye His Patient’s Vagina Purple
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Testimony from Mother of HPV vaccine victim Christopher Bunch
Listen to these parents speaking at the CDC October 25, 2018, during the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices meeting. Destiny Maynard, mother of Christopher Bunch a victim of the HPV vaccine. Christopher just passed away at Iowa City Children's Hospital after ADEM. News Article on Christopher's death from the Vaccine #LearnTheRisk about the Gardasil and the HPV vaccine. 60,000 reported injuries in 12 years, a study from Harvard Medical School estimates fewer than 1% of injuries ( adverse events ) are ever reported to VAERS, so from the HPV vaccine that means millions of children have been injured by this vaccine. The neurologist for this handsome boy said his death was a result of the vaccine. Listen to Dad's testimony: This is a crime against humanity, our children. What are we doing.
Gardasil Victim's Father Testifies to Vaccine Approval Committee
Why is the media so confused about this "mystery illness" causing paralysis (aka myelitis) in children all around the US? Does it have anything to do with the huge flu shot push lately? Chances are those children were recently vaccinated... Here are SIX studies linking acute myelitis (aka paralysis) to vaccines, particularly the flu shot. These take two minutes to research on PubMed. Why can't the media do it's job?! Why are all the cases so "mysterious" to the media?! Let's help them out by sharing this information on their FB pages, Twitter AND on all the State Health Department posts. Some of the stories are even pushing further vaccines... ------------------
1. "In fact, a number of inflammatory disorders of the central nervous system [myelitis] have been associated with the administration of various vaccines.” --
2 "We reviewed the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) database of the Dent Neurologic Institute to study the abnormal findings in myelitis. We identified 9 patients, with acute transverse myelitis. Although readily distinguishable from lesions due to MS, the various etiologies for ATM, including post-infectious (n = 2), post-vaccination (n = 3), and idiopathic (n = 4) were indistinguishable on MRI." --
3. “It should be recognized that certain vaccines might trigger serious neurological immune phenomena such as Guillain-Barre syndrome, seizures, cranial neuropathy, and acute disseminated encephaloMYELITIS (ADEM). Here we report on an elderly woman with ADEM following seasonal influenza [flu] vaccination.” --
4. "A wide variety of inflammatory diseases temporally associated with the administration of various vaccines, has been reported in the literature. The most commonly reported vaccinations that were associated with CNS demyelinating diseases included influenza (21 cases), human papilloma virus (HPV) (9 cases), hepatitis A or B (8 cases), rabies (5 cases), measles (5 cases), rubella (5 cases), yellow fever (3 cases), anthrax (2 cases), meningococcus (2 cases) and tetanus (2 cases). Usually the symptoms of the CNS demyelinating syndrome appear a few days following the immunization (average: 14.2 days). --
5. "We describe two adult cases of neurologic complications occurring after influenza vaccination. The first case was a 62-year-old man who experienced convulsions 5 days after vaccination, and the second case was a 70-year-old man who exhibited paraplegia 7 days after vaccination. Diagnoses of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis and transverse MYELITIS with acute motor axonal neuropathy were made." --
6. "Acquired Demyelinating disorders [MYELITIS] of the central nervous system in children span a wide spectrum. The etiology of acquired demyelinating conditions is multi-factorial namely – genetic, post-infectious, post-immunization...Vaccines, specifically the influenza, rabies and smallpox vaccines have also been reported.” -- More info
Are vaccines the real cause of the "mysterious" paralysis in children?!! Let's look at the science... For the resources and studies discussed in the video, go here:
Monday, October 29, 2018
Trudeau defends Statistics Canada move to collect banking info of 500,000 Canadians
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is defending a decision by Statistics Canada to compel banks and financial institutions to release the personal transaction data of 500,000 people without their consent.
Herbicide ROUND UP found in 18 Dog and Cat Foods
A recent study revealed that 18 dog and cat foods tested at Cornell contained the herbicide Round Up ( Glyphosate). Dr Jones comments, shows you potential risk associated with the herbicide, along with suggestions on How to avoid it. Study finds glyphosate in cat and dog food:
A Common Blood Pressure Drug Has Been Linked To Lung Cancer - Here's What You Should Know
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In a new study, researchers from the UK and Canada provide more
evidence linking a commonly prescribed class of blood pressure
medication to an elevated risk in lung cancer. But is the data strong
enough to make us reconsider their use? Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) are given to millions of people worldwide to treat a variety of vascular conditions, including hypertension (high blood pressure), coronary artery disease, heart failure, diabetes, chronic kidney diseases, and migraines. Highly effective and often free of any noticeable side effects, ACEIs have become a lifeline in the era of rampant heart disease and diabetes. Several recent studies have confirmed that short-term regimens of ACEIs are safe, but data on the long-term impacts are less clear. Some investigations following ACEI users have found higher than normal rates of multiple types of cancer, whereas others have found no additional risk. These conflicting results have caused debate within the medical community. One group argues that the cancer risk statistics could merely be the result of other health and lifestyle factors, as is known to happen in retrospective studies. The other claims they are valid and point to a handful of biological studies that have revealed ACEIs can cause an accumulation of cancer-associated inflammatory molecules in the lungs. Hoping to re-evaluate the cancer risk, the researchers examined health record information from the UK Clinical Practice Research Database (CPRD). They selected 992,061 patients who began a new blood pressure medication regimen between 1995 and 2015, following them until the study endpoint in December 2016, or until a diagnosis of cancer or death.After adjusting their calculations for a number of factors, the team found that, overall, people who took ACEIs had a 14 percent greater risk of lung cancer compared to those who took angiotensin receptor blockers – drugs that have a similar effect on the body but work by a different mechanism. However, their analysis also showed that people who took ACEIs for less than five years did not have an increased risk. Those with five to 10 years of use had a 22 percent greater risk, and those with ten or more years of consistent use carried a 31 percent elevated risk. The results have been published in the British Medical Journal. “Although the magnitudes of the observed associations are modest, ACEIs are one of the most widely prescribed drug classes; in the UK, 70.1 million antihypertensives are dispensed each year, of which approximately 32% are ACEIs,” the authors wrote. “Thus, small relative effects could translate into large absolute numbers of patients at risk for lung cancer. Given the potential impact of our findings, they need to be replicated in other settings, particularly among patients exposed for longer durations.” But making matters more complicated, other medical researchers are claiming that the study may be plagued by the very same correlation-not-causation issues that the authors were trying to minimize. Speaking to the Science Media Centre, Stephen Evans, a professor of pharmacoepidemiology at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, said: “[This study] has a number of weaknesses, which make it quite likely that the observed association is not a causal one. This is mainly because of inadequacies in the underlying data, and a possible weakness in the analysis.” Evans notes that one major limitation stems from the fact that CPRD contains poorly recording smoking data that does not distinguish heavy from light smoking. Heavy smoking is tied to a 20-fold increase in lung cancer risk. Additionally, “ACEIs almost certainly prevent deaths from heart disease and that means that especially after long follow-up, the cohort of ACEI users may contain those at higher risk of lung cancer.” “Drawing strong conclusions and talking about public health impact in this situation seems premature.” |
Synagogue Shooting: Police Don't Say "Actor;" gofundme Up; The Many Psy-op Objectives
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Members Of Squirrel Hill Community
Police Crash Into Home
Sutherland Church Pastor's Wife
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