Monday, January 21, 2019

‘Disrespectful’: Google Employees Melt Down Over The Word ‘Family’

leaked video of Google CEO's talking about the election results and decide for yourself.

  • Google employees melted down after the word “family” was used in a company presentation, documents obtained by TheDCNF show. 
  • Employees were upset that the word was used in a way that links families with children, which they argued was homophobic. 
  • A Google vice president acknowledged that the word “family” had sparked “concerns” about inclusivity.
A Google executive sparked a fierce backlash from employees by using the word “family” in a weekly, company-wide presentation, according to internal documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.
Many Google employees became angry that the term was used while discussing a product aimed at children, because it implied that families have children, the documents show. The backlash grew large enough that a Google vice president addressed the controversy and solicited feedback on how the company could become more inclusive.  Read More

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