Saturday, April 20, 2019

Funding Halted for Professor Chris Exley, Who Links Vaccines to Autism

The following is a personal response from Dr. Dale regarding the article posted by The Times (United Kingdom) regarding a controversial British academic who claims childhood vaccines can cause autism and has been blocked from raising research funds after protests by other scientists. Dr. Dale: Science is supposed to speak for itself. If these so-called protesting “scientists” were real scientists, then they would test Exley’s theories/findings and publish their results. Thus, allowing science to speak for itself. In this instance, they are merely protesting to silence the man by removing his ability to make a living. Reminds me of the quote by George R.R. Martin, in A Clash of Kings— “When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” To read the article posted by The Times (United Kingdom) and see Dr. Dale's full response
click the link below!

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