Tuesday, July 2, 2019

FOIA 201: How to continue to investigate your government and get people to listen - Brian Hooker

Full Title: FOIA 201: How to continue to investigate your government and get people to listen to the results of your investigation This session will build upon Dr. Hooker's presentation of 2018. Dr. Hooker will outline the best ways to gain publicly available information (emails or other correspondences, reports, data, etc.) from Federal and State government agencies. Details will be presented on the Freedom of Information Act as well as public information acts at the state level. In addition, Dr. Hooker will discuss how to analyze and present such information to alert the public and maximize the impact of these findings. Specifically, ways to reach out to the public via social media and the fourth estate will be presented. Dr. Hooker has trained and worked with many "FOIA buddies" in the 14 years he has been gaining information from the CDC and other Federal agencies. Brian Hooker, PhD, PEe

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