Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Bombshell Evidence that COVID RT-PCR Tests for Chromosome 8 Human DNA Primary Assembly

 One of the pieces of genetic material tested for by the 80% false positive, faulty, untested, unapproved, RT-PCR test is our own PRIMARY assembly for our chromosome 8. What this means is they are not finding a virus at all, they are just using a piece of our OWN DNA and telling us it is a virus. Time to take down this FAKE pandemic once and for all. Here is the smoking gun.

 Can RNA affect DNA? Yes.

 Vital information on the C - V Vacc!ne - You can change stem cells using mRNA.

 The primary assembly for chromosome 8 from GenBank NCBI:

 RT-PCR Pasteur Institute paper displaying that they are testing for this primer:

 On the uselessness of masks:

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