Saturday, February 18, 2023

"Most of you think we know what our vaccines are doing – we don't" - Peter Aaby (2019) πŸ’‰⚠️


I. The best vaccine data set in the world

The Bandim Health Project (BHP) in Guinea-Bissau (west Africa) has the best data set in the world on vaccine benefits and harms. Founded in 1978 by legendary Danish doctor and anthropologist Peter Aaby, the Bandim Health Project is a collaboration between the Ministry of Public Health in Guinea-Bissau, the Statens Serum Institut in Denmark, and researchers affiliated with the University of Southern Denmark and Aarhus University. BHP monitors and studies the health of more than 200,000 people in urban and rural Guinea-Bissau. They have datasets going back decades that enable them to measure long-term health outcomes based on vaccination status and they are willing to ask the hard questions that others dare not broach.

Dr. Aaby was one of the first scholars to study the non-specific effects of vaccines and he has become the world leader in the field. For over a century it was assumed that a vaccine only had an effect on the specific disease that was targeted. Dr. Aaby’s research shows that vaccines change the immune system in ways that are unexpected. There are positive non-specific effects when a particular vaccine changes the immune system in ways that also provide protective effects against other diseases and negative non-specific effects when a vaccine changes the immune system in ways that leave one more vulnerable to other diseases.

Dr. Aaby’s research in the late 1970s showed large positive effects from a measles vaccine. Children in Guinea-Bissau vaccinated against measles not only developed fewer cases of measles, they also died less frequently from other diseases as well. But in 1989, the W.H.O. introduced a new measles vaccine. Dr. Aaby and his team discovered negative non-specific effects from this formulation — girls vaccinated with the new measles vaccine died at twice the rate as unvaccinated girls.

Dr. Aaby brought his findings to the W.H.O. but it took three more years and an additional study by a team of U.S. researchers in Haiti that confirmed Dr. Aaby’s original findings for the vaccine to be withdrawn.

Dr. Aaby was awarded the Novo Nordisk Prize in 2000 — the highest honor in Denmark for advances in medical science.

Over the last three decades, Dr. Aaby and his team have studied the non-specific effects of the other vaccines administered in Guinea-Bissau. His findings in connection with the DTP vaccine — the most widely administered vaccine in the world — are the most shocking. Across multiple studies, Dr. Aaby found that children vaccinated with DTP have 5 times higher (95% CI: 1.53–16.3) all-cause mortality than children who were not injected with DTP. He and his team also found sex effects — girls were more likely to die following DTP vaccination than boys.

[For those who care about science, there are also race effects from vaccines but that discussion is prohibited in the mainstream media in the U.S. because the entire vaccine program would crumble if people knew. The order in which vaccines are administered makes a difference too — another important factor ignored by public health officials in the U.S.]

Dr. Aaby describes his findings in a remarkable video here (transcript):

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