Sunday, March 19, 2023

THIS IS BIG! Is Labcorp purposely not allowing people to get their blood dioxin levels tested?!!




Since the East Palestine train derailment and subsequent explosion and release of toxic chemicals into our air, water and soil that’s now killed over 43,000 wildlife and aquatic species, not to mention causing major health issues for hundreds if not, thousands of people along the eastern half of the country. Labcorp our nations leading lab for blood testing has pulled the blood dioxin test from its list of available blood tests! Why is this important? Dioxins are extremely toxic and bioaccumulating known carcinogen chemical compounds that wreak havoc on our bodily systems. They are known as forever chemicals and can pass generation to generation causing cancers, infertility, and wide array of health issues. Since this derailment Labcorp, quest diagnostic and a number of labs have pulled this test that was once readily available, from its list of tests. Labcorp is owned by BlackRock. Norfolk Southern, the train company involved in the East Palestine disaster is also owned by BlackRock. There are some top of the food chain executives that run Labcorp, some with legal backgrounds and work histories with Big Pharma's, Global Manufacturing corporations, CFO's, and MD's. One bio. of an executive even spoke about how she sits on a board for doing research of cancers in children, specifically advocating to make those treatments safer, less toxic and more efficient yet her company, Labcorp is pulling a necessary test from their test library that could help millions of people get a baseline of their chemical exposure to carcinogens (cancer causing chemicals). Could this be a massive coverup preventing hundreds and thousands of people from getting this test so they can’t file lawsuits? Something is going on here and we the people are aware of it and our eyes are WIDE OPEN now! Have a watch and tell me your thoughts.

 Quest and Labcorp have stopped all screening for dioxins in blood since the Ohio Train derailment

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