Thursday, November 9, 2023

Marsha Blackburn Announces Subpoena For Jeffrey Epstein's Flight Logs

On Thursday, Sen. Marsha Blackburn announced that she had issued a subpoena to the estate of Jeffrey Epstein demanding that Congress be given access to the flight logs for his private plane.

She said her goal was to expose those who spent time with the accused pedophile and human trafficker.

"Since we're in the business of issuing subpoenas now, here are a few more I've filed," Blackburn said. "A subpoena to Jeffrey Epstein's estate to provide the flight logs for his private plane."

"Given the numerous allegations of human trafficking and sexual abuse surrounding Mr. Epstein," she added, "I think it is very important that we identify everybody that was on that plane, and how many trips they took on that plane, and the destinations to which they arrived."

Earlier this year during the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein's flight logs were made public, however those records only covered between 1995 and 2013.

In the years since Epstein didn't kill himself at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in 2019, there has been an increased attempt to determine who was on the plane with him. 

A number of victims, and one of his pilots, have come out claiming that numerous prominent individuals, including Bill Gates, Price Andrew, and Donald Trump, flew with the accused sex offender.

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