Monday, February 27, 2017

300 New Genetically Modified Vaccines by 2023: ExperimentalVaccines Interview on RealityBitesRadio

vaccines that will be introduced into the public between the years 2019 and 2023.Some of these vaccines include: Depression,weight loss,anxiety,diabetes,cancer,autism,cocaine,nicotine all of which are genetically modified vaccines. I hope you enjoy the interview we touch on many subjects that deal with Eugenics and their weapons of control.
00:00:45 300 New Vaccines by 2023
00:02:00 Genetically Modified Injections
00:03:50 Big Pharma Advertising to Doctors
00:05:35 How to get Doctors to listen to your concerns
00:06:35 Flumist Makes you contagious for 42 days
00:09:40 VAPP Vaccine Associated Paralytic Polio
00:10:00 SV40 Cancer virus in vaccines
00:11:30 Childhood Cancers and Formaldehyde
00:13:00 Kids are not healthy in America
00:15:00 Eugenicists are now Geneticists
00:17:20 Depression Vaccine
00:19:10 Universal Vaccine one shot for everything
00:20:30 Food Based Vaccines
00:25:10 Will vaccines change public behavior
00:26:05 Disneyland and the measles outbreak
00:28:20 how politicians lie to get bills passed into law
00:29:50 Vaccine Media Aborted Fetal cells present yet removed
00:31:00 Collusion Paid off senators SB277
00:33:40 Ebola Scare
00:34:10 Merck Vaccines Profit margins
00:36:00 How to find vaccine statistics calling the Department of health
00:37:25 Omitted sections in vaccine inserts
00:39:00 Pregnant Women and Vaccines how old is the fetus
00:40:10 The immune system and how vaccines confuse it.
00:45:00 Television Conditioning you to become scared of getting old
00:50:27 Vaccines are genetically modified injectable medications
00:54:20 Polio has been renamed GBS CP ADEM
01:00:00 Nanoparticles in vaccines
01:04:10 there is no money in healthy people
01:07:05 Aborted fetal cell and Satanism
01:10:10 The Elitist power of influence
01:13:35 Texas and a Biological Attack removing your 4th amendment rights
01:16:00 Happiness is a mental illness
01:20:00 Doctor Oz does not vaccinate his kids
01:23:00 How to Question your doctor
01:26:00 New Vaccines are genetically modified Injections

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