Monday, November 5, 2018

DEA Slapped in Face: American Epilepsy Society Accepts Marijuana Extract Obliterates Seizures in Epileptic Children

As the United States Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) continues to display its arrogance, refusing to remove marijuana from schedule 1 of the Control Substance Act (CSA), thanks to certified professional bodies in the country, more and more details on medical efficacy of the plant is being revealed.
On August 11, 2016 the DEA turned down two petitions. One was from the governors of Rhode Island and Washington, and the other from a resident of New Mexico, requesting that marijuana be removed from Schedule I of the CSA. The removal from schedule I would have ensured that official scientific research is carried on the plant, across the United States.
But the DEA still held that marijuana has high abuse potential; no medical use; severe safety concerns; and that there is no available scientific research to prove otherwise.
Click here to read the full article and learn more!

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