Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Say NO to Bill C-10!

The government has no business telling Canadians what they can and can’t post online.
Members of Parliament need to say NO to Bill C-10.
SIGN if you agree.


The Trudeau government wants to regulate what Canadians post on the internet.

Bill C-10 gives the CRTC the ability to regulate the internet but provides no clear guidelines for how that power will be used.

It gets worse –  Liberal MPs voted to expand Bill C-10 to apply to user-generated content – potentially subjecting the YouTube videos, Facebook posts and tweets of Canadians to government regulation and censorship.

Bill C-10 is an attack on free speech and the fundamental rights of Canadians.

While Conservative MPs indicated that they’re going to vote against this piece of legislation, the governing Liberals are continuing to push this controversial bill and are hoping for other opposition parties to support them.

The government has no business telling Canadians what they can and can’t post online.

Members of Parliament need to say NO to Bill C-10.

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