Saturday, July 3, 2021

Madeline Johnson Pfizer March 2021


Severe Adverse Reaction: Onset of 11 Autoimmune Diseases - All in 
Age 21

Update: please feel free to share We are open to any nugget of insights or info.

I’m looking for those of you who might have similar symptoms to my daughter. My daughter works in the hospital and was working on / with a Covid floor at the time. Thus she needed the Covid vaccine. Pfizer vax second dose March she was sick following dose for several days with an extremely high fever. Then all hell started breaking loose bit by bit.
When it began, she had pain in her wrist, numb fingers and palm on her right side. Then it moved to right leg. Then a day later she could barely move her joints and lost most of her strength and small motor skills.
Another day passes and now her left side is showing the same symptoms. This has lasted for a few weeks. Add to that. Fevers… nausea…. Stomach ache , head aches. …swollen knees… her right leg is visibly more swollen than the left with loss of muscle tone. ….Many MRI’s a CT scan, spinal tap and 46 labs tests later. They ruled out stroke, and MS. However now she’s tested positive for 11 autoimmune diseases. My daughter was spunky, happy healthy 21 year old pre med college student now her world has been turned upside down. Photos added to put a face to the story. 💕**** update to add
We are hoping that just because she tested positive for 11 autoimmune diseases… she may not actually have all of them. We are still in the process of seeing specialists to fine tune her issues.
Lupus was the strongest positive test. As well as scleroderma and Sjögrens. She wants to go to med school sooo bad but if her health doesn’t improve. It may not be possible.


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