Thursday, January 4, 2024

Dutch experts Dr. Maarten Fornerod and Prof. Theo Schetters are calling for suspension of mRNA jabs

The news is that last week on German television, there was a broadcast on the public channel where a German professor repeated these findings and also found DNA contamination. So, actually, that is already the third or fourth independent confirmation of the presence of that DNA contamination. And it is actually very easy to demonstrate. Anyone, there are hundreds of labs in the Netherlands that can do this. It's not a matter of a PCR. From an mRNA sample.

So that's one. And the second surprise is actually that it now appears that those mRNA vaccines, besides the spike protein, which was the intent, are also producing a lot of other products. So, new research. And in light of this recent research, the Doctors Collective Foundation published an article about mRNA vaccines. We read mRNA vaccines can also lead to the production of foreign proteins. A peer-reviewed publication in the authoritative journal Nature shows that mRNA vaccines, besides the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, lead to the production of a multitude of other proteins, against which an immune response can be triggered in vaccinated individuals.

It's important because the same will apply to all other mRNA vaccines that are currently in development. There are both Moderna and Pfizer. They have a whole array of mRNA vaccines slated against influenza, against RSV. But they will all suffer from this problem. From also expressing, from also bringing into production unexpected byproducts. Yes, foreign proteins are being discussed.

And what are the consequences of that? The consequences are that you get those unexpected proteins, those shuffled proteins, which actually have no known meaning for the cell. But just as with a word, if you shuffle the letters of a word you sometimes also get a word that means something. And then the question is how does the cell react to that? What kind of instruction does it give to the cell? So that I think is, yes, that's a possible danger. Because it could also be that those proteins, they do not fold properly, as it's called. And so you can get a kind of aggregation of those proteins, a stacking up. That's also not really something you want, especially not in neuronal cells. There you do not want an aggregation of proteins.

If just a brain cell starts functioning less well, then of course after a while you notice that the body functions less well. And that is one. The proteins, it has been shown that these foreign proteins, can indeed elicit an immune response.

But what could be the possible harmful effects of this process that takes place inside the body after such an mRNA vaccine? Yes, that's unpredictable. That's the whole crux. It's unpredictable how the cell will react, how the organism will react, and how the immune system will react. And maybe it's just one in a thousand individuals that has a problem. But multiply by how many billion... What I understood from the article, but here again, it's your subject, is that it can easily go wrong in it can be complete in twenty percent of cases. And it's not necessarily about people. Because it's about LNP particles that come in and that happens to many cells in your body.

Because we have mRNA with this change in it, resulting in frameshifts and strange proteins. But apart from that we also have, as Maarten spoke about last time, that there are just DNA contaminations in them. We don't want those either. That goes into your cells through those particles too just like that. And if it ends up in dividing cells, there's a good chance that pieces of DNA are simply built into your DNA.

To stop these vaccines and also to learn that we must be very cautious with genetic medicines. That means not only mRNA vaccines but also CRISPR-Cas. Also with genetic manipulation to cure diseases. You have to be very careful, because there can be unexpected things that you can expect.

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