Saturday, January 13, 2024

Un-Seen 2: The Story Of Covid Vaccine Injuries In Germany

The new film UN-SEEN by Patricia Marchart and Georg Sabransky is dedicated to those children and young people who have suffered serious health and social side effects as a result of the coronavirus vaccination. It is a cautious film that does not make any loud noises. The focus is on the fate of the young people and their families. The film also gives a voice to proven experts in pediatrics, adolescent medicine and infectiology.

With Elle, Felicitas, Selin, Aylin, Julia, Sofie and Prof. Dr. med. Pietro Vernazza, Prim.Univ.-Prof.Dr. Reinhold Kerbl, Margarete Daiber-Helmbold and many others.

It is a film that is intended to stimulate thought and discussion. But it is also a film worthy of support, as it was made without subsidies or public funding.

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